A New York City leftist may lose her arm after she was injured in an explosion while participating in protests of a pipeline in North Dakota.
Protesters claim 21-year-old Sophia Wilansky’s left arm was blown apart by a concussion grenade fired by police. Police argue they did not use any form of explosive and Wilansky was likely maimed by one of the propane tank bombs protesters were throwing at police.
It is unclear how the blast occurred.
Protesters immediately took photographs of Wilansky as she awaited medical treatment. The blast shredded her coat and exposed tendons and broken bones.
She still somehow managed to post to Facebook, calling police officers “pigs.” Wilansky claimed she was only bringing water to protesters.
“Friends, please know that I was severely, devastatingly injured by the pipeline pigs last night,” Wilansky wrote. “I will be flying to Minnesota for that surgery imminently. Wish me luck.”
This is not her first encounter with police while trying to use force to stop a gas pipeline. She was arrested a month ago for chaining herself to construction equipment to stop construction of a natural gas pipeline in Vermont.
Protesters at the North Dakota pipeline site have grown increasingly violent in their terrorist attacks on police. Several officers have been injured by rocks and explosives thrown by environmentalists.
The FBI reported recently that while Islamic terrorism grabs most headlines, environmentalists are still responsible for more domestic terrorists attacks than any other group.